This software is intended to be used as a mock CA for test environments. It does not offer any security guarantees and must not be used in productive environments.
Please, note that this document is only required for those end users who want to create and use different certificates for the deployment of IDS-testbed components.
This software simulates a PKI with root CAs, intermediate CAs and device certificates, including at the device certificates the AIA (Authority Information Access) extension information.
Generate certificates
At this step, all the neccessary certificates are generated for the use of IDS-testbed components.
It could look something like this:
./ data-cfssl
Revoke certificates
At this section, it is detailed the neccessary steps to manually revoke any of the previous step generated certificates. For the already existent folder "data-cfssl", the following certificate is revoked "connectorArevoked".
The steps required to revoke a certificate are detailed at the following commands which need to be executed inside "data-cfssl" folder where the certificates are located.
cd data-cfssl
# Obtain certificate information to extract serial and AKI number identifiers.
cfssl certinfo -cert certs/connectorArevoked.pem
# Command to revoke the certificate
# cfssl revoke -db-config ocsp/sqlite_db_components.json -serial {SERIAL_NUMBER} -aki {AKI_CERTIFICATE} -reason={REASON}
# where AKI must be included as shown by certinfo without ":" and with all lowercase letters.
# It could look something like this for the connectorArevoked certificate
cfssl revoke -db-config ocsp/sqlite_db_components.json -serial "581921879588615033625472730240878974097738102962" -aki "c476d0aacd9379350feba7646090a46bb4384d33" -reason="superseded"
Refresh the OCSP server to include the changes
Open a terminal at "data-cfssl" folder and execute the following commands:
At this section it is included the neccessary commands in order to obtain the certificates extensions required by IDS-testbed components for their implementation.