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Last updated
The IDS-RAM (International Data Spaces Reference Architecture Model) provides a conceptual framework for designing and implementing IDS-compliant data spaces, following the IDSA Rulebook. It defines the key roles, their interactions, the components, and the principles that govern the architecture of an IDS data space.
This working draft of IDS RAM-5 is not a complete version, but rather a preliminary draft to guide the ongoing development.
RAM 5 will be aligned with the latest developments in IDSA and Data Spaces. It will provide an overview for technical readers on how to create an architecture for a data space, to participate in a data space, and to provide value added services for data spaces. To do so, RAM5 will sketch architectural decision areas for different roles in data spaces.
The RAM 5 document will not be a linear document like RAM 4.0 but will contain links between parts of the layers and perspectives. Other improvements in RAM 5 will include description of decentralized approaches and updates to the information model, among other things.
The expected timeline is to provide a first draft of RAM 5 by the end of Quarter 4 2024 and a final document by the end of Quarter 4 2025.
RAM 5 will follow the same five-layer structure used by RAM 4.0 to express various stakeholders’ concerns and viewpoints at different levels of granularity: business, functional, process, information, and system.
This will be complemented with three perspectives that need to be implemented across all these layers: Trust (previously named Security in RAM 4.0), Certification and Governance.
Each of these layers and perspectives will be described in a different section of this document.
Two additional sections will be added to provide additional context for the readers:
Foundation section, which will present all the concepts that one should be familiar with before delving into the details of the RAM layers and perspectives.
Context of IDS section, to provide overall info on IDS, and how it relates to other initiatives and concepts.
IDS-RAM is co-created by the members of the International Data Spaces Association as part of the activities in the IDSA Working Group Architecture. To become a contributor, please consider joining IDSA and register using the interest form for RAM 5.
All other feedback are welcome as well! Please contact the IDSA Head Office for any comments on IDS-RAM 5.
To have more context, please consider taking a look at the following resources:
The previous release version of IDS-RAM:
A webinar which provides a high-level overview of IDS-RAM 4.0: IDSA TechTalk Recording & Slides
The following documents that complement the RAM:
IDSA Rulebook describes how to operate a dataspace based on the BLOFT (Business, Legal, Operational, Functional, Technical) aspects.
Dataspace Protocol is a set of specifications designed to facilitate interoperable data sharing between entities governed by usage control and based on Web technologies.
DSSC Blueprint is a set of guidelines by the Data Spaces Support Centre to support the development cycle of data spaces. It includes the conceptual model of a data space, data space building blocks, and recommended standards and specifications.