DAPS DAT request (root POST)

This request is a POST-request against the root of given DAPS-instance https://daps.example.com. The requester, an IDS Connector, will hand in its client_assertion and recieves its very own Dynamic Attribute Token (DAT).


Request Dynamic Attribute Token.


A client that requests a DAT needs to create JWT as a request token. The JWT contains a header, payload and signature. The information content of the JWT is modeled as an instance of the ids:DatPayload class, with the content attributes as specified in the table below.


1 request

Host: https://daps.example.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

!!! REMARK: NO line breaks in front of '&', done for better readability only !!!

1 response

The response to given request is a Dynamic Attribute Token (DAT), here shown decoded:

    "typ": "JWT",
    "alg": "HS256"
    "@context": "https://w3id.org/idsa/contexts/context.jsonld",
    "@type": "ids:DatPayload",  
    "iss": "AE:2F:31:46:93:48:33:10:11:BE:D5:49:49:88:EB:87:D7:75:CF:A4:keyid:CB:8C:C7:B6:85:79:A8:23:A6:CB:15:AB:17:50:2F:E6:65:43:5D:E8",
    "sub": "DD:CB:FD:0B:93:84:33:01:11:EB:5D:94:94:88:BE:78:7D:57:FC:4A:keyid:CB:8C:C7:B6:85:79:A8:23:A6:CB:15:AB:17:50:2F:E6:65:43:5D:E8",
    "referringConnector": "http://some-connector-uri.com",
    "securityProfile": "BASE_SECURITY_PROFILE",
    "extendedGuarantee": "USAGE_CONTROL_POLICY_ENFORCEMENT",
    "transportCertsSha256": ["bacb879575730bb083f283fd5b67a8cb..." ],
    "iat": 1516239022,
    "exp": 1516239032,
    "aud": "https://w3id.org/idsa/code/IDS_CONNECTORS_ALL",
    "nbf": 1567703561,
    "scope": "ids_connector_attributes"

Last updated