1.2 Purpose and Structure of the Reference Architecture
Focusing on the generalization of concepts, functionality, and overall processes involved in the creation of a secure 'network of trusted data' , the IDS-RAM resides at a higher abstraction level than common architecture models of concrete software solutions do. The document provides an overview supplemented by dedicated architecture specifications defining the individual components of the International Data Spaces (Connector, Metadata Broker, App Store, etc.) in detail.
In compliance with common system architecture models and standards (e.g., ISO 42010, 4+1 view model), the Reference Architecture Model uses a five-layer structure expressing various stakeholders' concerns and viewpoints at different levels of granularity.
The general structure of the Reference Architecture Model is illustrated in the figure below. The model is made up of five layers:
The Business Layer specifies and categorizes the different roles which the participants of the International Data Spaces can assume, and it specifies the main activities and interactions connected with each of these roles.
The Functional Layer defines the functional requirements of the International Data Spaces, plus the concrete features to be derived from these.
The Process Layer specifies the interactions taking place between the different components of the International Data Spaces; using the BPMN notation, it provides a dynamic view of the Reference Architecture Model.
The Information Layer defines a conceptual model which makes use of linked-data principles for describing both the static and the dynamic aspects of the International Data Space's constituents.
The System Layer is concerned with the decomposition of the logical software components, considering aspects such as integration, configuration, deployment, and extensibility of these components.
In addition, the Reference Architecture Model comprises three perspectives that need to be implemented across all five layers:
Certification, and

Figure 1.2: General structure of the IDS Reference Architecture Model
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