3.4 Process Layer

The Process Layer specifies the interactions taking place between the different components of the International Data Spaces. It thereby provides a dynamic view of the Reference Architecture Model.

The following processes and their sub-processes are described:

  1. Onboarding, i.e. what to do to be granted access to the International Data Spaces as a Data Provider or Data Consumer.

  2. Data Offering, i.e. offering data or searching for a suitable data.

  3. Contract Negotiation, i.e. accept data offers by negotiating the usage policies.

  4. Exchanging Data, i.e. transfer data between IDS Participants.

  5. Publishing and using Data Apps, i.e. interacting with an IDS App Store or using IDS Data Apps.

These processes are related to the International Data Spaces key value propositions and involve most of the roles introduced in the Business Layer section.

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