3.1.1 Roles in the International Data Spaces

In the following, each role a participant can assume in the International Data Spaces is described in detail, together with the tasks assigned to it. The Reference Architecture model distinguishes four "categories" containing "business roles" that, depending on the individual business model, can assume one or more of the "basic roles".

Basic Roles in the International Data Space

The ecosystem of the IDS comprises several basic tasks being carried out by the various participants. The set of these tasks can be derived from relevant objects in the IDS and the activities along the respective life cycle. IDS objects that participants in the IDS have to handle are:

  1. Connector: technical core component required for a participant to join the International Data Spaces

  2. Data: here synonym to Data Asset, i.e. content exposed for exchange by the Data Provider

  3. Vocabulary: ontologies, reference data models, or metadata elements that can be used to annotate and describe datasets, usage policies, apps, services data sources etc.

  4. Identity: information of and for participants in the IDS

  5. App: applications that can be deployed inside the connector. Apps facilitate data processing workflows. They may be certified by a Certification Body, following the certification procedures defined in the Certification Perspective.

  6. Transaction: comprises all activities performed in the course of a data exchange

  7. Service: software running in a connector and provided as a service (algorithm and computing time)

For each of these IDS objects, the Reference Architecture Model defines activities along the life cycle define. The set of activities, or a subset of it, that describe the life cycle of the objects are:

  1. Create: create an object, e.g. software by programming or data from reading a sensor

  2. Own: own an object or hold the corresponding license or right according to local rules and regulations

  3. Certify/verify: e.g. certify software according to the IDS certification scheme or verify authenticity of data

  4. Publish: share meta data on objects such as data, apps, services etc.

  5. Provide: technically provide the object

  6. Consume: technically receive the object

  7. Use: make use of an object in a business model that does not consist of an intermediary function (see below)

  8. Delete: Delete, eliminate or turn object off

Each activity along the life cycle of an IDS object is carried out by a participant of the IDS. A role that a participant takes to carry out these activities is called "basic role". As some combinations from an IDS object and an activity (e.g. "verify data", "delete identity") may be relevant in other contexts than the IDS RAM or may become relevant in the future, some potential basic roles are declared as (currently) "out of IDS RAM scope". The table below shows the basic roles defined in the IDS.



Certify / Verify







Connector Creator

Connector Owner

Connector Certifier

Connector Publisher

Connector Provider

(Out of RAM scope)

Connector User

(Out of RAM scope)


Data Creator

Data Owner

(Out of RAM scope)

Connector / Metadata Broker

Data Provider

Data Consumer

Data User

Data Eraser


Vocabulary Creator

Vocabulary Owner

(Out of RAM scope)

Vocabulary Publisher

Vocabulary Provider

Vocabulary Consumer

Vocabulary User

(Out of RAM scope)


Identity Creator

Identity Owner

Identity Verificator

Identitiy Publisher

Identity Authenticator

(Out of RAM scope)

Identity User

Identity Eliminator


App Creator

App Owner

App Certifier

App Broker

App Provider

App Consumer

App User

App Deleter (?)


Transaction Initiator

(Out of RAM scope)

Transaction Clearer

(Out of RAM scope)

(Out of RAM scope)

(Out of RAM scope)

Transaction Participant

(Out of RAM scope)


Service Creator

Service Owner

Service Certifier

Service Broker

Service Provider

Service Consumer

Service User

(Out of RAM scope)

These basic roles are suitable to define technical tasks in the IDS and roles of the participants in detail. As this quite large number is, however, bulky especially for early discussions, grouping basic roles to business roles is advisable. The basic roles are explained in a suitable context of the business roles.

Business Roles in the International Data Space

On the level of the business layer, depending on the use case, it might not be crucial to distinguish between basic roles. E.g. if an industrial company intends to provide quality check data to a supply chain partner, the distinction between data owner and data creator is unnecessary. Hence, business roles are introduced. Business roles comprise one or more basic role. Their exact scope of comprised basic roles depends on the individual business model of the participant as individual business models (including pricing models) may be applied as deemed appropriate. E.g. a data intermediary (see details below) operating a data hub may store data as a trustee, act as a Metadata Broker or do both -- depending on the business model. Therefore, as the assignment of basic roles to a business role may vary, the assignment is marked with the following symbols:

  • T (typical): basic role typically taken by a business role

  • M (mandatory): required role from a technical perspective

There are four categories of roles:

  • Category 1: Core Participant

  • Category 2: Intermediary

  • Category 3: Software Developer

  • Category 4: Governance Body


Core Participants are involved and required every time data is exchanged in the International Data Spaces. Roles assigned to this category are Data Supplier and Data Customer. The role of a Core Participant can be assumed by any organization that owns, wants to provide, and/or wants to consume or use data.

Benefit for participants in the International Data Spaces is created by these roles as they create, potentially own and possibly provide data as well as receive, process and most likely at some point in time delete data.


The Data Supplier is a role that induces data into the IDS ecosystem. Depending on the individual business and technical operation model, the business role Data Supplier typically assumes the basic roles Data Creator, Data Owner, and/or Data Provider.

The Data Creator creates data, e.g. by generating data such as from a sensor or accessing data in backend IT systems.

As the legal situation regarding data ownership is very complicated (as discussed in the Governance Perspective), the term 'Data Owner' is not used in a legal understanding in this document. The Reference Architecture Model takes an operational data management perspective, defining a Data Owner as a legal entity or natural person executing control over data. This enables the Data Owner to define Data Usage Policies and provide access to its data. Data Ownership includes at least two major concepts:

  • having the (technical) means and the responsibility to define Usage Contracts and Usage Policies, and to provide access to data; and

  • having the (technical) means and the responsibility to define the Payment Model, including the model for reuse of data by third parties.

The Data Provider makes data technically available in the IDS for being transmitted to a Data Customer on behalf of the Data Owner. To submit metadata to a Metadata Broker, or exchange data with a Data Consumer, the Data Provider uses software components that are compliant with the Reference Architecture Model of the International Data Spaces. Compliant software is available from Software Developers and App Developers.

Usually, a participant acting as a Data Creator automatically assumes the role of the Data Owner. However, if rights or licenses on data are given to different participant, the same assumes the role of the Data Owner. In this case, Data Owner and Data Creator would be different participants.

Initially, a participant acting as a Data Creator automatically assumes the role of the Data Provider as well. However, there may be cases in which the Data Provider is not the Data Creator, e.g. if the data is technically managed by a different entity than the Data Creator. This can be the case of a company using an external IT service provider for data management, or if data management activities are handed over to a Data Intermediary (cf. below) as a data trustee.

In cases in which the Data Owner does not act as the Data Provider at the same time, the only activity of the Data Owner is to authorize a Data Provider to make its data available to be used by a Data Consumer. Any such authorization should be documented by a contract, which should include data usage policy information for the data provided (see Usage Control in IDS). The contract needs not necessarily be a paper document, but may be an electronic file as well.

At the end of a complete or partial data transaction, for example, the Data Provider may log the details of the successful (or unsuccessful) completion of the transaction at a Clearing House (see below) to facilitate billing or resolve a conflict. Furthermore, the Data Provider can use Apps in the IDS connector to enrich or transform the data in some way, or to improve its quality. Data Apps are specific applications that can be loaded into the IDS connector and, thus, linked into the data exchange workflow.


The Data Consumer receives data from a Data Provider. From a business process modeling perspective, the Data Consumer is the mirror entity of the Data Provider; the activities performed by the Data Consumer are therefore similar to the activities performed by the Data Provider.

If data is processed by a Service Provider (see below), the Data Customer takes the role of a Service Consumer. This constellation may occur, e.g. when the Data Owner/Provider attaches usage policies to the data that require data being processed by a third-party service (i.e. Service Provider) before being handed to the consumer. Then, the Data Customer is both Data Consumer and Service Consumer.

Similar to the Data Owner being the legal entity that has the legal control over its data, the Data User is the legal entity that has the legal right to use the data of a Data Owner as specified by the usage policy. The Data User can be identical with the Data Consumer. However, there may be scenarios in which these roles are assumed by different participants. For example, a patient could use a web-based software system to manage their personal health data and grant access to this data to a health coach. The data could be received from a hospital. In this case, the health coach would be the Data User and the provider of the web-based software system would be the Data Consumer.

In existing, mostly quite static relations, the Data Customer and Data Supplier already know each other and intend to exchange specific data sets (e.g. capacity information for a particular part to be produced). In these cases, the Data Consumer directly requests data (and the corresponding metadata) from the Data Provider or the Data Provider pushes data directly to the Data Consumer.

If the Data Customer searches for a type of data that is provided by many suppliers, .e.g. weather data, the Data Consumer can search for existing datasets by making an inquiry at a Data Intermediary that assumes the basic role of a Metadata Broker (cf. according section below). The Data Intermediary (Metadata Broker) then provides the required metadata for the Data Consumer to connect to a Data Provider.

Like a Data Provider, the Data Consumer may log the details of a successful (or unsuccessful) data exchange transaction at a Clearing House, use Apps to enrich, transform, etc. the data received, or use a Metadata Broker to retrieve data sources.


Intermediaries act as trusted entities and are commonly considered as "platforms". They assume a rather central role compared to the great number of data suppliers and customers, though multiple, especially competitive platforms of the same role may and shall exist. Business Roles assigned to this category are Data Intermediary, Services Intermediary, App Store, Vocabulary Intermediary, Clearing House, and Identity Authority. Most likely, the business models of intermediaries will lead to a combination of some of the business roles, e.g. act as both Data and Service Intermediary.

The Intermediary roles may be assumed only by trusted organizations. They create benefit for participants in the IDS by establishing trust, providing metadata, and creating a business model around their services.

Data Intermediary

The Data Intermediary is a platform operator that assumes mainly the data-related basic roles Data Provider/Data Consumer and Metadata Broker.

Assuming the basic role of a Data Provider or Data Consumer, the Data Intermediary is responsible for the execution of the data exchange on behalf of the Data Owner or User respectively. Providing a Data Consumer with data is, hence, the main activity of the Data Provider.

To facilitate a data request from a Data Consumer, the Data Intermediary would provide a Data Broker with proper metadata about the data. Acting as a Metadata Broker, the Data Intermediary stores and manages information about the data sources available in the International Data Spaces. An organization offering metadata brokering in the International Data Spaces may assume other intermediary basic roles at the same time (e.g. Service Broker, Clearing House or Identity Authority, see below). Assuming further basic roles consequently means additional tasks a participant has to execute.

The activities of the Metadata Broker mainly focus on receiving and providing metadata. The Metadata Broker must provide an interface for Data Creators to send their metadata. The metadata should be stored in an internal repository for being queried by Data Consumers in a structured manner. While the core of the metadata model must be specified by the International Data Spaces (i.e. by the Information Model, see Information Layer), a Metadata Broker may extend the metadata model to manage additional metadata elements.

After the Metadata Broker has provided the Data Consumer with the metadata about a certain Data Provider, it is not involved in the subsequent data exchange process.

Service Intermediary

A service offers e.g. data analysis, data integration, data cleansing, or semantic enrichment to improve the quality of the data exchanged in the International Data Spaces. Analogously to the Data Intermediary, the Service Intermediary is a platform operator providing metadata on services, the services itself (i.e. app including computing time as a trustee), or both. Hence, the Service Intermediary typically assumes mainly the service-related basic roles of the Service Provider and/or Service Broker.

A Service Provider receives data from a Data Provider (or another Service Provider) and either returns the calculation result to the same or directs it to an indicated Data Consumer (which then is a Service Consumer at the same time). The participant who receives processed data from a Service Intermediary could be again a Service Intermediary as data can be routed through an arbitrary number of instances of services in the IDS.

In order to provide the service, the Service Provider installs apps in its IDS connector that can be developed by the participant himself or from a third-party App Provider. The Service Intermediary is then an App Consumer. Just like in the case of data, the Service Owner might be a different organization than the Service Provider. The Service Provider then operates the service on behalf of the owner.

To allow other participants in the IDS to retrieve available services, Service Intermediaries may also assume the role of the Service Broker. The Service Broker provides metadata on present services in the IDS analogously to the Metadata Broker.


The business role of the App Store is responsible to distribute data apps. In contrary to the Service Provider, the algorithm is not executed in the platform of the App Store, but provided for download to the IDS connector of the App Consumer. App Consumer and App Owner may be different, if the owner acquires (purchases) an app, but lets it be distributed to Service Provider. The App Store role typically comprises the basic roles of the App Broker and App Provider. Apps are programmed by the App Creator that can, but does not have to be identical to the App Owner (cf. Data Owner/Creator above).

The App Store is first responsible for managing information about apps. This is the Metadata Broker role. The App Store should provide interfaces for publishing and retrieving apps plus corresponding metadata. In most cases, the App Store will, secondly, also assume the basic role of the App Provider as it is common for mobile phone app stores. The App Store then technically provides the app on behalf of the App Owner. However, not only data, but also apps may be sensitive and, therefore, shall be stored in the sphere of the App Owner. In this case, the App Broker and App Provider roles would be taken be different participants.

Depending on the business model, an App Store could also comprise the App Owner role as the store may own the license for particular apps. As the App Store might take responsibility for the validity and functionality of the apps provided, the App Store could also act as an App Certifier.

VOCABULARY Intermediary

The Vocabulary Intermediary technically manages and offers vocabularies (i.e. ontologies, reference data models, or metadata elements). The Vocabulary Intermediary typically assumes the basis roles of the Vocabulary Publisher and Vocabulary Provider. Vocabularies are owned and governed by the according Standardization Organization (cf. category 4).

Vocabularies can be used to annotate and describe data assets. These data assets may comprise at least:

  • Information Model of the International Data Spaces, which is the basis for the description of data sources (see Information Layer). There is only one information model in the IDS governed by the IDSA.

  • Domain-specific vocabularies: They are essential for the scalability and success of the IDS. Domains are e.g. represented in the very common set of linked open data (LOD). For example, "gene ontology" is a unified vocabulary for parts of life sciences, "GAO" for the automotive industry, etc.

  • Legal terms: To describe usage policies and to enable smart contracting, legal terms must be coded in a machine-readable and -understandable manner. The IDS Information Model defines the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) to describe usage policies. Still, IDS communities such as a (closed) supply chain network or a domain-specific IDS initiative could define additional (complementary or alternative) vocabularies, e.g. depict the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) as an ontology or reference to the iShare Scheme.

There is no dedicated or exclusive role that creates vocabularies. Usually, standardization organizations such as ISO, EN, IEEE etc., but also industrial associations define standards that can be formulated as a vocabulary (Vocabulary Creators and Owners). Except the IDS information model, there can be multiple vocabularies describing the same context (e.g. different types of smart contracts or usage policy descriptions). A single vocabulary for the same context support standardization and, thus, compatibility efforts. Multiple vocabularies provide flexibility and competitiveness.

To find the right and latest vocabulary, they must be retrievable with the help of a Vocabulary Publisher. This is a repository of vocabulary metadata. In most cases, as vocabularies are usually (for the sake of their purpose) open, the Vocabulary Intermediary will also act as a Vocabulary Provider, i.e. providing the vocabulary technically for download.

Vocabulary Users are all instances using vocabularies, e.g. Data Suppliers, Data Customers, Service Intermediaries, Data Intermediaries, App Stores, etc. Also the Vocabulary Intermediary possibly may use a vocabulary to describe the vocabulary repository.


The Clearing House is an intermediary that provides clearing and settlement services for all financial and data exchange transactions. In the International Data Spaces, clearing activities are separated from any broker services, since these activities are technically different from maintaining a metadata repository. As already stated above, it might still be possible that the role Clearing House and other intermediary roles are assumed by the same organization, as both roles require acting as a trusted intermediary between the Data Supplier and the Data Customer.

The Clearing House logs all activities performed in the course of a data exchange, thus, assuming the role of the Transaction Clearer. After a data exchange, or parts of it, has been completed, both the Data Supplier and the Data Customer confirm the data transfer by logging the details of the transaction at the Clearing House, e.g. by means of distributed ledger technologies. Based on this logging information, the transaction can then be billed. The logging information can also be used to resolve conflicts (e.g., to clarify whether a data package has been received by the Data Customer or not). The Clearing House also provides reports on the performed (logged) transactions for billing, conflict resolution, etc.

Identity Authority

The Identity Authority should offer a service to create, maintain, manage, monitor, and validate identity information of and for participants in the International Data Spaces. This is imperative for secure operation of the International Data Spaces and to avoid unauthorized access to data. Hence, every participant in the IDS inevitably owns an identity (describing the respective participant) and uses an identity for authentication.

The Identity Authority consist of a Certification Authority (managing digital certificates for the participants of the International Data Spaces), a Dynamic Attribute Provisioning Service (DAPS, managing the dynamic attributes of the participants), and a service named Dynamic Trust Monitoring (DTM, for continuous monitoring of the security and behavior of the network. More details about identity management can be found in the security perspective.

Typically, identities are created by the Identity Authority, then acting as an Identity Creator. In the sense of a directory, the authority would also publish the identity if desired by the owner and especially provide certificates, DAPS etc. for authentication purposes. These are the basic roles Identity Publisher and Identity Authenticator.


This category comprises IT companies providing software to the participants of the International Data Spaces. Roles subsumed under this category are the business roles App Developer and Connector Developer.

Benefit is created by these roles by providing software to the participants of the International Data Spaces. Please note that the process of providing software to be used for establishing the endpoints of a data exchange transaction (e.g. Enterprise Systems like ERP or MES, or other platforms) is not part of the International Data Spaces, as it takes place before an organization joins the IDS.

App Developer

App Developers develop data apps to be used in an IDS Connector. Thus, the App Developer typically covers the basic roles App Creator and, as long as the data app is not created on behalf, App Owner.

To be deployable, a data app has to be compliant with the system architecture of the International Data Spaces (see system layer). In addition, data Apps can be certified by a Certification Body in order to increase trust in these applications (especially with regard to Data Apps processing sensitive information).

Data apps are published and most likely provided in the App Store to Data Customers, Data Suppliers, or Intermediaries. App Developers should describe each Data App using metadata (in compliance with a metadata model) with regard to its semantics, functionality, interfaces, etc.

Connector Developer

A Connector Developer provides software for implementing the functionality required by the International Data Spaces (i.e., through software components, as described in the system layer). Unlike Data Apps, software is not provided by the App Store, but delivered over the Connector Developer's usual distribution channels, and used on the basis of individual agreements between the Connector Developer and the user (e.g., a Data Customer, a Data Supplier, or an Intermediary). This procedure implies that the agreements (e.g. licenses) for deployment and software usage remain outside the scope of the International Data Spaces.

The Connector Developer typically assumes the basic roles Connector Creator, Connector Owner, and -- considering the way of software distribution described above -- Connector Provider.


Governance Bodies in the IDS have the authority and task to set and enforce guidelines to standardize data exchange, to create trust and, in the end, to enable sustainable operation of the IDS. The Certification Body, Evaluation Facilities, Standardization Organizations, and the International Data Spaces Association are the business roles in the category of Governance Bodies.


The participants in the International Data Spaces benefit from the Certification Body and the Evaluation Facilities as these roles take care of the certification process and issue certificates (both with regard to organizations that want to participate and with regard to software components that are to be used).

The Certification Body, together with selected Evaluation Facilities, is in charge of the certification of the participants and the core technical components in the International Data Spaces. These Governance Bodies make sure that only compliant organizations are granted access to the trusted business ecosystem. In this process, the Certification Body supervises the actions and decisions of the Evaluation Facilities.

Thus, from the technical perspective, the basic roles Connector Certifier, App Certifier and Service Certifier.

The Certification Scheme applied in the process is described in the Certification Perspective.

Standardization Organization

Standardization Organizations govern standards that are typically describe as an ontology or vocabulary. In general, there is neither a claim for exclusiveness of a standard nor an obligation apply it. One example could be the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) that are a common legal foundation in logistics, but does have to be applied. A domain-specific Standardization Organization is, e.g., Odette, a European organization setting data standards for the automotive industry.

The business role Standardization Organization, therefore, comprises the basic roles Vocabulary Creator and Vocabulary Owner.

Among the standardization organizations, the IDSA assumes a special role, as it is exclusively entitled to govern the IDS Reference Architecture Model and the Information Model.


The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) is a non-profit organization promoting the continuous development of the International Data Spaces. More specifically, it supports and governs the continuous development of the Reference Architecture Model and the participant certification process. The International Data Spaces Association is currently organized across several working groups, each one addressing a specific topic (e.g., architecture, use cases and requirements, or certification). Members of the Association are primarily large industrial enterprises, IT companies, SMEs, research institutions, and industry associations.

As the International Data Spaces Association is not directly involved in the data exchange activities of the International Data Spaces, its role will not be further addressed in the sections on the other Layers.

Last updated